The results included in this database are not comprehensive. Many athletes have yet to be researched, and more results are being added daily (check the "Updates" page for more information.) Due to the fact that many male athletes conceal their sex when joining women’s competitions, officials conceal the participation of male athletes in the female division from the public, and the participation of some male athletes on smaller teams is only known locally, many athletes are missing and results are incomplete.
The full extent of male participation in women’s sports and the awards they have taken, records they have broken, championships they have won, and athletic achievements and opportunities they have stolen from female athletes is not known at this time, but the results here are more than enough evidence to show that these men have unfair advantages when competing against women.
We would like to make this list as complete and accurate as possible. If you have extra information on the athletes appearing here, results or male athletes to add, or notice any incorrect information or discrepancies in the existing results, please contact us at:
Each and every piece of information you are willing to share will help female athletes regain what we have lost in the women’s sporting division and prevent future female athletes from losing out on opportunities in sport.
The results include all male participation in the female division, this means males who identify as "transgender women," males who have disorders of sexual development, and any other male who participates on what is meant to be a team for female athletes.
Note: Due to the incredibly large number of results, the totals page has a longer loading time. Comeptiton categories are also in the process of being sorted into National, State, Local, and other levels of competition. As such, the sorting function may not show all results accurately. Please bear with us while we continue to work on these issues.