NonAthletic Awards





Nonathletic Awards

Why Nonathletic Awards?

Athletics are not the only area of life where men have been taking opportunities, honors, and awards away from the female human beings they were originally meant for. Although these awards are not won through athletic contests that are based on physical performance where male bodies are inherently different and advantaged against female bodies, there are other advantages that being male offers, and there are reasons these awards have been created or reserved specifically for women and girls.

The act of giving these awards to males is not only humiliating to women and girls, it is exhausting and discouraging to know that we are offered nothing of our own in this world.

Click on the tabs below to read more about these awards. (The awards on this list are not included on the athletic awards page totals.)

Beauty pageants have been a large part of female tradition for decades and offer a way for women and girls to win scholarships and recognition. Pageants are meant to uplift and celebrate women. Introducing men immediately shifts the focus away from women and onto them (even when they don't win, their very act of entering immediately gains the spotlight and they are heaped with praise and media attention while the other contestants are forgotten), and at the same time takes opportunities away from the women and girls those opportunities were originally meant for.

Men are on average taller and have a lower body fat percentage. The tall, thin silhouette often seen in female runway models is not common in women and can be unhealthy to maintain. While 5’10” is fairly rare in women, it is around average in men.

Males who identify as “trans” participating in beauty pageants artificially alter their bodies with the use of hormones for cosmetic purposes and often have undergone a massive amount of other cosmetic procedures to make themselves look exactly how they want: brow lifts, jaw reductions, tracheal shaving, hairline advancements, orbital rim bossing, blepharoplasty, cheek augmentation, forehead reconstruction, eyelid lift, rhinoplasty, genioplasty, and liposuction are some of the procedures described as part of the “facial feminization surgery” offered to men. In addition, they often get silicone chest implants and occasionally vocal cord surgery. Their self-presentation is less a celebration of female beauty and more a celebration of the skill of their plastic surgeons and the promotion of all that is superficial and the materialism that keeps those surgeons in business.

Rather than presenting an authentic version of themselves, they instead use a put-on voice and present an unnatural plastic version of how they think a woman should look. These men often have these costly cosmetic procedures paid for by their insurance (sometimes even by their employers) while any women who would like the same have to pay out of pocket. In a contest that proclaims to judge on “beauty” this seems incredibly dishonest and unfair. To the young women and girls watching, their costly feminized male bodies present a standard that is unobtainable. The message they send is that being a woman is nothing more than an aesthetic, that women and girls have nothing that makes them unique from men that cannot be obtained with the right price or the right amount of concealer, that the female-specific experiences that we share and they do not are insignificant and unrelated to “womanhood” or the unique struggles that women face in the world.

None of these men go through the pains that go along with being female. Not a single menstrual period or pregnancy scare among them. Many pageant rules clarify that a woman cannot have been pregnant to compete. This rules out many women who might wish to start a family early. It forces women to choose between participating between pageants or their family plans. Men who identify as “trans” can happily do both.

Yet because they call themselves “trans” they immediately are able to adopt a personal background story of victimhood and “marginalization” despite having had all of the advantages in life any other male is given and regardless of their actual history. The appropriation of the struggle of male sex workers that has painted these narcissistic males as “marginalized” gains immediate sympathy from the judges and an audience who are led to believe the struggle these men have trying to deceive others into believing they’re the opposite sex, tricking men into being attracted to them, or forcing society to allow them into women’s spaces that were made to keep them out is the greatest struggle any woman could ever have.

There are countless beauty pageants made specifically for males impersonating women. Males entering female beauty pageants are taking opportunities and experiences away from the real women and girls who deserve them.

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